Chrome plating is a surface treatment process in which metal parts have a metallic surface coating of first, nickel and then chrome applied to them.
The coatings are deposited in aqueous solutions (electrolytes) of nickel or chromium salts, respectively, as the metal ions are reduced to a metallic coating on the workpiece surface by means of an external power source.
This coating is also called decorative chrome plating, as it gives the workpiece a highly decorative exterior and appears almost mirror-like if the base has received the correct processing.
Chrome plating is a coating system in which the nickel coating makes up the bulk of the layer thickness. The chrome plating is deposited in very small thicknesses, usually 0.3-1 µm, so that the nickel surface of the coating is covered, and a bright, polished metal-glossy and decorative surface is achieved.
The surface treatment can be applied to many kinds of workpieces and is used in, for instance, the furniture industry and the electronics industry. Chrome plating is typically carried out on workpieces made of, among other things, steel, brass and copper.
Read more about other types of surface treatment.