
From the beginning in 1973, Hosta Industries has strived to deliver the best possible product to the customer. As a tool for method management in relation to achieving the best quality, in 1993 we introduced the ISO 9001 quality management system, which has been implemented throughout the company today. This permeates the entire company, where all employees will always do their best to deliver the excellent quality for which Hosta Industries has become known.

The environment and work environment are also important focus areas, and our certifications help us maintain awareness of the environment and work environment and comply with applicable laws. 

Click here to open our certificate for management system

Hosta Industries wants to be the preferred partner for complex steel processing and ensure high customer satisfaction with a focus on quality and reliability of delivery. We do this by:

  • Committing ourselves to maintaining an approved quality management system in accordance with ISO9001 standards and continuously improving this system
  • Maintaining and developing expertise, flexibility and a high service level
  • Being at the forefront of knowledge and technology in steel processing and other services
  • Retaining and developing qualified staff
  • Committing to complying with demands from customers and other business partners, as well as keeping an open and close dialogue with our customers, suppliers and other business partners
  • Focusing on continuous improvement and establishing quality improvement goals and action plans for the implementation of these
  • Ensuring that departments and employees know the quality system and providing ongoing information and training herein

Hosta Industries wants to work diligently to reduce the environmental impact caused by company operations. We do this by:

  • Committing ourselves to maintaining a certified environmental management system in accordance with ISO14001, and continually improving the system in order to improve the company’s environmental performance
  • Establishing improvement targets and action plans and following up on efforts and results systematically with a view to continuous improvement
  • Committing ourselves to complying with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, as well ensuring that customer requirements for the company’s environmental management and related documentation are adhered to
  • Committing ourselves to protecting the environment by, among other things, preventing pollution and working with sustainable resource consumption
  • Pulling together by actively involving company employees in environmental activities and ensuring that they have the necessary and qualified resources for the task
  • Helping customers find the most environmentally friendly production method
  • Ensuring that environmental aspects are also included in the company’s choice of suppliers
  • Based on the annual environmental engineering review, relevant environmental impacts are selected and minimised as much as possible

Hosta Industries is committed to ensuring a safe and attractive workplace by:

  • Committing ourselves to complying with all relevant legal requirements, the ISO 45001:2018 certification and the Danish WEA’s Executive Order 1510:2018 to systematise the preventive safety work. This includes continuous improvement of the system
  • Carrying out our activities in a responsible manner, so we do not unnecessarily burden our employees
  • Minimising and preventing occupational accidents and absenteeism caused by the work environment
  • Working diligently to improve the company’s working environment by continually assessing and evaluating potential risks
  • Ensuring an attractive workplace with high well-being and staff satisfaction. We want a healthy and orderly culture that contributes to a good mental working environment
  • Involving employees in the work environment and ensuring that the necessary time and resources are available for the work environment work

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