
Many companies choose to outsource assembly jobs, and we understand the importance of you, as a customer, having a reliable partner with quick turnaround times and attention to detail.

At Hosta Industries, we offer assembly on several levels with a focus on quality, security of supply and integrity in all phases of the process. We perform both the assembly of individual parts and assembly with several components.

Our knowledgeable and experienced installers know the different types of materials and know how they are best treated. Therefore, we are able to handle high-quality assembly from highly differentiated customer specifications – whether these are simple or advanced solutions.

We are also happy to handle the purchasing for the process. Feel free to describe your assembly job, and we will be available for advice and process optimisation based on your needs.

You can safely leave the assembly part to us and get a safe and reliable assembly – every time.

Our installers have the necessary experience, knowledge and expertise in the assembly of everything from small to large products that require greater precision. We are professional and dedicated to the task with a focus on quality through all processes – and we are very anxious to maintain a consistently high standard, from product development and production to assembly. Therefore, you can always count on getting a high-quality product.

Our employees are used to working independently, as well as in larger teams, so regardless of the assembly job you may have, you can always get the help you need from Hosta Industries.

After assembly, we are happy to pack the products and deliver to the customer’s site.

Feel free to explore the options for customised packages, or contact us for further information.

Montering - Hosta Industries A/S

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