JKF A/S is a Danish company that produces and sells components for process ventilation systems. The company is growing and therefore needs to outsource parts of their production to a subcontractor in order to free up capacity for further growth.
Partnership Manufacturing
JKF A/S is a Danish company that produces and sells components for process ventilation systems. The company is growing and therefore needs to outsource parts of their production to a subcontractor in order to free up capacity for further growth.
Based on the expected annual sales volume, we drafted a proposal for a framework agreement for JKF A/S products. We use the framework agreement during periods of lower activity in our own production, and can, therefore, offer the customer an extremely competitive price. This gives JKF A/S shorter lead times on standard products and frees up their production capacity to pursue greater growth as they desired.
At Hosta Industries we enjoy seeing our customers grow – and framework agreements can be instrumental in this. Therefore, in connection with our warehouse and logistics solutions, we also offer framework agreements at Hosta Industries.
A framework agreement at Hosta Industries is a collaboration. This means that both parties will benefit from it – which ensures that your company can always have the required components for your production delivered quickly. Furthermore, a framework agreement is one way to reduce stock levels and achieve a more competitive price for your workpieces.
We are happy to draft a framework agreement for your products so that we can ensure high-quality products with great flexibility and ultra-short, just-in-time deliveries.
Read more about the options we offer for framework agreements and just-in-time deliveries.
Want to hear more about how
we can work with your product?
Christian Mosevang